Who is Rusted Toad Productions?

At the moment, Rusted Toad Productions is the home of my creative endeavors. I created this site to share some of my musical, artistic and literary work. Many of the songs come from a long and glorious collaboration with Bryan Geiger, Dan Vellucci, and more recently Ryan Broderick, but a lot of the work is simply solo projects. I used to do more visual art (and really enjoyed putting together the flash animations above), so hopefully I will find the time to produce some new stuff to post here. I'm an infrequent contributor to my blogs, but whatever I do post will be at one of the two blogs linked to here.

My day job is, currently, law student. But my night job is making music and art to post here, or to offer (eventually) through various distribution channels. So check back often, and enjoy these home-grown fruits of the digital age.

I hope you enjoy this site; I welcome feedback, so drop me a line sometime. Curently I am based in Berkeley, California, and can be reached at rustedtoadproductions@gmail.com.

-James McNamara


James in the Frank

James in the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho